Source code for grave_settings.utilities

import builtins
import inspect
import sys
import types
from inspect import signature
from typing import Type, Callable, Any, Generator, Iterable, TypeVar

T = TypeVar('T')

[docs]def unwrap_slots_to_base(base: Type, target_class: Type, include_base=False) -> set: names = set() if target_class is not base: if hasattr(target_class, '__slots__'): names.update(target_class.__slots__) for cls in target_class.__bases__: n_names = unwrap_slots_to_base(base, cls) n_names.update(names) names = n_names elif include_base: if hasattr(base, '__slots__'): names.update(base.__slots__) return names
# TODO: This is vulnerable to circular references blowing up the execution stack
[docs]def build_attribute_string(k_v_p_attrs: Iterable[tuple[str, object]]) -> str: return ",".join(f'{k}={v}' for k, v in k_v_p_attrs)
[docs]def generate_slots_kvps(obj: object, base=object): for k in unwrap_slots_to_base(object, obj.__class__): if hasattr(obj, k): yield k, obj.__getattribute__(k)
[docs]def ext_str_slots(obj: object, base=object, generator=generate_slots_kvps): vals_list = build_attribute_string(generator(obj, base=base)) return f'{obj.__class__.__name__}({vals_list})'
[docs]def ext_str_fmt(name, vals_gen): return f'{name}({build_attribute_string(vals_gen)})'
[docs]def ex_str(obj: object): if hasattr(obj, '__dict__'): vals_list = ",".join(f'{k}={obj.__getattribute__(k)}' for k in vars(obj)) return f'{obj.__class__.__name__}({vals_list})' else: return ext_str_slots(obj)
[docs]def format_class_str(x): module = x.__module__ return f'{module}.{x.__name__}'
[docs]def generate_type_hierarchy_to_base(base: Type[T], target_class: Type) -> Generator[Type[T], None, None]: if issubclass(target_class, base) and target_class is not base: for cls in target_class.__bases__: yield from generate_type_hierarchy_to_base(base, cls) yield target_class
[docs]def load_type(str_type, do_import=True): type_comp = str_type.split('.') module_name = '.'.join(type_comp[:-1]) try: cls = sys.modules[module_name] return cls.__dict__[type_comp[-1]] except KeyError: pass if type_comp[0] == 'builtins': try: return builtins.__dict__[type_comp[-1]] except KeyError: pass return types.__dict__[type_comp[-1]] if do_import: __import__(module_name, {}, locals(), ['*'], 0) return sys.modules[module_name].__dict__[type_comp[-1]] else: raise PermissionError()
[docs]def get_type_hints(func: Callable) -> tuple[Any]: return tuple(a if (a := x.annotation) is not inspect._empty else Any for x in signature(func).parameters.values())
[docs]def get_first_parameter_type_hint(func: Callable) -> Type: if (p := next(iter(signature(func).parameters.values())).annotation) is not inspect._empty: return p else: raise NotImplementedError(f'The callable {func} does not have type annotations on its first parameter')