Welcome to the Grave Settings documentation!#

A library for automatic serialization of python object hierarchies to storage.

from pathlib import Path
from grave_settings.config_file import ConfigFile
from datetime import datetime

class MyObject:
    def __init__(self):
        self.attribute1 = 'test'
        self.attribute2 = datetime.now()

with ConfigFile(Path('test.toml'), data=MyObject, formatter='toml') as config:
    pass  # file will be saved automatically at the end of the with block

with open('test.toml', 'r') as f:
  __class__ = "__main__.MyObject"
  attribute1 = "test"

  __class__ = "datetime.datetime"
  state = [


pip install grave-settings

Getting Started:#

This library was primarily created to manage configuration files in “human readable” formats.

Check out the examples for a quick start

Check out the reference for details



By default this library allows for the importing and instantiation of arbitrary python modules / classes. This is a security concern in many production environments. There are a couple of mechanisms built in to deal with this, but they have not been a main concern of mine. Feel free to reach out with suggestions ect.

If security wasn’t your first thought, its likely that importing arbitrary modules is not really a concern with your use case. Just dont do anything too crazy like automatically deserializing HTTP request bodies and expect no one to get weird with it.

Read this page (with examples) about security concerns.

Circular References#

Circular references can be a problem when deserializing structures because of a “chicken and egg” problem in the recursive process. There is an automatic process for dealing with circular references, but only if the nested reference associated with the attribute of a managed object, like an object that implements grave_settings.abstract.Serializable’s interface. If the reference is nested in a list or a python dictionary then custom code will have to take care of switching the grave_settings.formatter_settings.PreservedReference objects out for their proper references. The interface outlined in Serializable makes it easy to get a callback when the deserialization is finished and provides a reference to the grave_settings.formatter_settings.FormatterContext. With this method it is simple to resolve the circular references, but you will likely have to have some idea of where the references might be.

Also, note that the “automatic” handling of circular references is only enabled if you add the grave_settings.semantics.NotifyFinalizedMethodName semantic to a context. This must be manually enabled because the default implementation of finalize is inefficient. See grave_settings.abstract.Serializable.finalize()

For examples and more info on dealing with circular references. Circular References


Indices and tables#