Source code for grave_settings.formatter_settings

import os
import re
from types import NoneType
from typing import Iterable, Self, get_args, Type

from observer_hooks import notify, HardRefEventHandler

from grave_settings.utilities import T, format_class_str, load_type
from grave_settings.handlers import OrderedHandler
from grave_settings.framestack_context import FrameStackContext
from grave_settings.semantics import Semantic, AutoPreserveReferences, T_S_E, DoNotAllowImportingModules, \
    ClassStringPassFunction, SecurityException

[docs]class AddSemantics: """ Wrapping an object in this class will tell the formatter to add semantics to its frame """ __slots__ = 'val', 'semantics', 'frame_semantics' def __init__(self, val: T, semantics: set[Semantic] | None = None, frame_semantics: set[Semantic] | None = None): self.val = val self.semantics = semantics self.frame_semantics = frame_semantics def __str__(self): return f'AddSemantics({self.val})'
[docs]class NoRef(AddSemantics): """ Wrapping an object in this class will tell the formatter to not reference this object or cache it """ __slots__ = tuple() def __init__(self, val: T, semantics: set[Semantic] | None = None, frame_semantics: set[Semantic] | None = None): if frame_semantics is None: frame_semantics = {AutoPreserveReferences(False)} else: if AutoPreserveReferences(True) not in frame_semantics: frame_semantics.add(AutoPreserveReferences(False)) super().__init__(val, semantics=semantics, frame_semantics=frame_semantics) def __str__(self): return f'NoRef({self.val})'
[docs]class Temporary(NoRef): """ Wrapping an object in this class will tell the formatter that the object is not to be referenced and has no strings attached to any other object. The wrapped object exists only for communicating data to the formatter. The formatter may mutate it and destroy it. """ __slots__ = tuple() def __str__(self): return f'Temporary({self.val})'
[docs]class PreservedReference: """ This clas denotes a reference to another path in an object hierarchy. This object should act like a pointer describing where an object exists in the structure. """ __slots__ = 'obj', 'ref', '__weakref__' def __init__(self, obj: None | object = None, ref=None): if ref is None: ref = id(obj) self.ref = ref self.obj = obj def __hash__(self): return hash(id(self.obj)) def __str__(self): return f'PreservedReference(ref={repr(self.ref)}, obj={self.obj})'
[docs]class FormatterSpec: ROUTE_PATH_TRANSLATION = str.maketrans({ '\\': '\\\\', '.': r'\.', '"': r'\"' }) ROUTE_PATH_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?:[^\."]|"(?:\\.|[^"])*")+') PRIMITIVES = int | float | str | bool | NoneType SPECIAL = dict | list ATTRIBUTE = str TYPES = PRIMITIVES | SPECIAL def __init__(self): self.str_id = '__id__' self.version_id = '__version__' self.class_id = '__class__' self.type_primitives = self.PRIMITIVES self.type_special = self.SPECIAL self.type_attribute = self.ATTRIBUTE
[docs] def get_primitive_types(self) -> set: return set(get_args(self.type_primitives))
[docs] def get_special_types(self) -> set: return set(get_args(self.type_special))
[docs] def get_attribute_types(self) -> set: return {self.type_attribute}
[docs] def path_to_str(self, key_path: Iterable) -> str: parts = (str(part) if type(part) == int else f'"{part.translate(self.ROUTE_PATH_TRANSLATION)}"' for part in key_path) return '.'.join(parts)
[docs] def str_to_path(self, reference: str) -> list: return list(p[1:-1] if p.startswith('"') and p.endswith('"') else int(p) for p in self.ROUTE_PATH_REGEX.findall(reference))
[docs] def get_part_from_path(self, obj: TYPES, path: list | str) -> TYPES: if type(path) is str: path = self.str_to_path(path) for key in path: obj = obj[key] return obj
[docs] def is_circular_ref(self, path: list | str, in_path: list | str) -> bool: if type(path) is str: path = self.str_to_path(path) if type(in_path) is str: in_path = self.str_to_path(in_path) if len(path) > len(in_path): return False for pf, rp in zip(in_path, path): if pf != rp: return False return True
[docs] def copy(self) -> Self: n = self.__class__() for v in vars(n): setattr(n, v, getattr(self, v)) return n
[docs]class FormatterContext: def __init__(self, semantics: FrameStackContext): self.key_path = [] self.id_cache = {} self.semantic_context = semantics self.key = None def __str__(self): return f'Formatter Context ({format_class_str(self.__class__)}): {repr(self.key_path)}{os.linesep}{self.semantic_context}' @property def handler(self) -> OrderedHandler: return self.semantic_context.handler @handler.setter def handler(self, handler: OrderedHandler): self.semantic_context.set_handler(handler, update_order=True)
[docs] def handle(self, obj): return self.semantic_context.handler.handle(obj, self)
[docs] def update(self, obj: Self): self.key_path = obj.key_path.copy()
def __enter__(self): self.key_path.append(self.key) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.key_path.pop(-1) def __call__(self, path): self.key = path return self
[docs] def find(self, reference: PreservedReference): return self.id_cache[reference.ref]
[docs] def check_ref(self, reference: PreservedReference): if reference.ref in self.id_cache: return self.id_cache[reference.ref]
[docs] def add_frame_semantics(self, *semantic: T_S_E): self.semantic_context.add_frame_semantics(*semantic)
[docs] def add_semantics(self, *semantic: T_S_E): self.semantic_context.add_semantics(*semantic)
[docs] def get_stack_depth(self) -> int: return len(self.key_path)
[docs] def load_type(self, class_str: str) -> Type: semantics = self.semantic_context allow_imports = not bool(semantics[DoNotAllowImportingModules]) validation = semantics[ClassStringPassFunction] if validation: for validation_call in validation: if not validation_call.val(class_str): raise SecurityException() return load_type(class_str, do_import=allow_imports)
@notify(no_origin=True, pass_ref=True, handler_t=HardRefEventHandler) def finalize(self): pass
[docs] def dispose(self): self.id_cache.clear()