Source code for grave_settings.conversion_manager

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@author: ☙ Ryan McConnell ❧
from typing import Callable, Type

from observer_hooks import EventHandler
from grave_settings.utilities import generate_type_hierarchy_to_base, format_class_str

[docs]class ConversionError(Exception): pass
[docs]def basic_converter(json_obj: dict, mapping: dict) -> dict: new_json_obj = {} for k, v in mapping.items(): if k in json_obj: new_json_obj[mapping[k]] = json_obj[k] return new_json_obj
[docs]class ConversionManager: __slots__ = 'converters', 'converted' def __init__(self): # mapping of version to tuple of conversion function and output version self.converters: dict[tuple[str, str], tuple[Callable, str]] = {} self.converted = EventHandler()
[docs] @classmethod def get_version_info_from_class(cls, clt: Type): v = None if hasattr(clt, 'get_version'): v = clt.get_version() elif hasattr(clt, 'VERSION'): v = clt.VERSION return v
[docs] @classmethod def get_version_object(cls, t_obj: Type | object): versioning_info = {} if hasattr(t_obj, 'get_versioning_endpoint'): end_point = t_obj.get_versioning_endpoint() else: end_point = object if not isinstance(t_obj, type): # meta-classes force use of isinstance for Type[type] checking t_obj = t_obj.__class__ for clt in generate_type_hierarchy_to_base(end_point, t_obj): if (v := cls.get_version_info_from_class(clt)) is not None: versioning_info[format_class_str(clt)] = v if versioning_info: return versioning_info
[docs] def add_converter(self, target_ver, target_class: Type | str, conversion_func, out_ver): if type(target_class) is not str: target_class = format_class_str(target_class) self.converters[(target_class, target_ver)] = (conversion_func, out_ver)
[docs] def try_convert(self, state_obj: dict, class_str: str, ver: str, target_ver: str): search_key = (class_str, ver) while (ver != target_ver) and (search_key in self.converters): try: convert_func, out_version = self.converters[search_key] except KeyError: raise ConversionError('Settings version info object is not understood') if (new_object := convert_func(state_obj)) is not None: state_obj = new_object self.converted.emit(state_obj, class_str, ver, target_ver=out_version) ver = out_version search_key = (class_str, ver) return state_obj
[docs] def update_to_current(self, json_obj, load_type: Callable[[str], Type], version_info) -> dict: if version_info is None: return json_obj for class_str, version in version_info.items(): this_class = load_type(class_str) if not version == (target_ver := self.get_version_info_from_class(this_class)): json_obj = self.try_convert(json_obj.copy(), class_str, version, target_ver) return json_obj