Source code for grave_settings.config_file

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@author: ☙ Ryan McConnell ❧
import os
import shutil
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Self, Any, Type

from observer_hooks import EventCapturer

from grave_settings.utilities import format_class_str
from grave_settings.abstract import IASettings, Serializable
from grave_settings.formatter_settings import FormatterContext
from grave_settings.formatters.toml import TomlFormatter
from grave_settings.formatters.json import JsonFormatter
from grave_settings.formatter import Formatter, DeSerializer, Serializer
from grave_settings.handlers import OrderedHandler
from grave_settings.semantics import ClassStringPassFunction, Semantics, Semantic

[docs]class PassLogFilePath(Semantic[str]): pass
[docs]class ConfigFile(Serializable): FORMATTER_STR_DICT = { 'json': JsonFormatter(), 'toml': TomlFormatter() } def __init__(self, file_path: Path, data: IASettings | Any | Type | None = None, formatter: None | Formatter | str = None, auto_save=False, read_only=False): if type(formatter) == str: formatter = self.FORMATTER_STR_DICT[formatter] self.file_path = file_path.resolve().absolute() = data self.auto_save = auto_save self.formatter = formatter self.changes_made = not isinstance(data, IASettings) self.read_only = read_only self.sub_configs: dict[Any, LogFileLink] = {} self.sub_config_paths: dict[Path, Any] = {}
[docs] def add_config_dependency(self, other: 'ConfigFile', relative_path=True): if not other.is_loaded(): raise ValueError('Only add config files after they have been loaded or set their data object properly') if relative_path: log_file_link = LogFileLink(config=other, rel_path=other.file_path.relative_to(self.file_path.parent)) else: log_file_link = LogFileLink(config=other, file_path=other.file_path) self.add_log_file_link(log_file_link)
[docs] def is_loaded(self): return is not None and not isinstance(, type)
[docs] def backup_settings_file(self): if self.file_path.is_file(): base = self.file_path.parent dt_n ='%Y_%m_%d %H%M') backup_path = base / f"{self.file_path.stem}_backup_{dt_n}{self.file_path.suffix}" shutil.copyfile(str(self.file_path), str(backup_path))
[docs] def settings_invalidated(self): self.changes_made = True if self.auto_save:
[docs] def validate_file_path(self, path: Path, must_exist=False): if must_exist: if not path.exists(): raise ValueError(f'Path does not exist: {path}') if path.exists() and (not os.access(path, os.R_OK)): raise ValueError(f'Do not have permission to write to: {path}') if not self.read_only: if path.exists() and (not os.access(path, os.W_OK)): raise ValueError(f'Do not have permission to write to: {path}') if path.exists() and (not path.is_file()): raise ValueError(f'File path is invalid: {path}')
[docs] def save(self, path: Path = None, formatter: None | Formatter = None, force=True, validate_path=True): if self.read_only: raise ValueError('Saving in read-only mode') if path is None: path = self.file_path vf = self.changes_made elif (not force) and self.changes_made and hasattr(, 'invalidate'): return else: vf = False if validate_path: self.validate_file_path(path) if formatter is None: formatter = self.formatter if formatter is None: raise ValueError('No formatter supplied') serializer = self.formatter.get_serializer(, self.get_serialization_context()) serializer.handler.type_bank[object] = self.handle_serialize_IASettings #serializer.handler.add_handler(IASettings, self.handle_serialize_IASettings) formatter.write_to_file(, str(self.file_path), serializer=serializer) self.changes_made = vf
[docs] @classmethod def check_in_serialization_context(cls, context: FormatterContext): pass
[docs] def get_serialization_context(self): return self.formatter.get_serialization_context()
[docs] def handle_serialize_IASettings(self, serializer: Serializer, obj: IASettings, **kwargs): if obj in self.sub_configs: link = self.sub_configs[obj] return serializer.handle_default(link) else: return serializer.handle_default(obj, **kwargs)
[docs] def load(self, path: Path = None, formatter: None | Formatter = None, validate_path=True, semantics: Semantics = None): if path is None: path = self.file_path if validate_path: self.validate_file_path(path, must_exist=True) if formatter is None: formatter = self.formatter if formatter is None: raise ValueError('No formatter supplied') context = self.get_deserialization_context() deserializer = self.formatter.get_deserializer(None, context) deserializer.secondary_handler.add_handler(LogFileLink, self.handle_deserialize_LogFileLink) if semantics is not None: context.semantic_context.semantics.update(semantics) with EventCapturer(deserializer.notify_settings_converted) as capture: = formatter.read_from_file(str(path), deserializer=deserializer) if len(capture) > 0: self.backup_settings_file() if isinstance(, IASettings): = self.file_path self.changes_made = False
[docs] @classmethod def check_in_deserialization_context(cls, context: FormatterContext): handler = OrderedHandler() handler.add_handler(ConfigFile, cls.handle_me) context.semantic_context.set_handler(handler, update_order=True)
[docs] def get_deserialization_context(self): context = self.formatter.get_deserialization_context() if isinstance(, type): context.add_frame_semantics(ClassStringPassFunction(lambda x: x == format_class_str( return context
[docs] def instantiate_data(self): return
def __enter__(self) -> Self: try: self.validate_file_path(self.file_path, must_exist=True) load = True except ValueError: load = False if load: self.load(validate_path=False) elif isinstance(, type): = self.instantiate_data() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if not self.read_only:
[docs] def get_load_data_obj(self): if not self.is_loaded(): self.load() return
[docs] def to_dict(self, *args): return { 'formatter_t': self.formatter.__class__, 'data_t': }
[docs] def from_dict(self, state_obj: dict, *args): raise Exception('Nope')
[docs] @classmethod def handle_me(cls, ser_type: Type[Self], state_obj: dict, *args, **kwargs): return ser_type(Path(), data=state_obj['data_t'], formatter=state_obj['formatter_t']())